今天10月17日。誰讓我有期待?又,誰對我有期待?到底… 這是愛的開始,還是問題的開始?
歡迎收聽今晚8點Bravo FM91.3的【愛的故事】,錯過節目可以在10/23週日下午2-3點,收聽Bravo FM91.3頻道,本集節目的重播。而10/23週日晚間8-9點,也期待台中的朋友們收聽台中古典愛樂電台FM97.7由我製作主持的【愛的故事】。當然,如果能使用Bravo電台的app,就隨時隨地都有愛的故事可聽了。
今日隔空歡唱單元挑戰的歌曲:【Oh What a Beautiful Morning】(多麼美好的早晨),出自1943年由Richard Rodgers 和Oscar Hammerstein II 攜手創寫的音樂劇Oklahoma!,整首歌曲充滿對世界的好感,我們就來一起高唱3分鐘,讓自己也擁有像歌中那樣的好心情!以下附歌詞。
【Oh What a Beautiful Morning】
There's a bright, golden haze on the meadow
There's a bright, golden haze on the meadow
The corn is as high as an elephant's eye
And it looks like it's climbing clear up to the sky
Oh, what a beautiful morning
Oh, what a beautiful day
I've got a beautiful feeling
Everything's going my way
All the cattle are standing like statues
All the cattle are standig like statues
They don't turn their heads as they see me ride by
But a little brown maverick is winking her eye
Oh, what a beautiful morning
Oh, what a beautiful day
I've got a beautiful feeling
Everything's going my way
All the sounds of the earth are like music
All the sounds of the earth are like music
The breeze is so busy it don't miss a tree
And the ol' weeping willer is laughing at me
Oh, what a beautiful morning
Oh, what a beautiful day
I've got a beautiful feeling
Everything's goin' my way
Oh, what a beautiful day!
主持人:詹怡嘉 播出時段:星期一 20:00-21:00