今晚8點歡迎收聽BravoFM91.3【愛的故事】節目,本集節目向大家介紹一位被AllMusic描述,是60年代最被低估的流行歌手之一的英國歌手Matt Monro,此人歌聲真正動聽,今天和大家分享他的音樂。錯過今晚,1/21週日下午2-3點Bravo FM91.3頻道還有本集節目的重播。而1/21(週日) 晚上8-9點,則期待台中朋友們收聽台中古典愛樂電台FM97.7由我製作主持的【愛的故事】。當然,如果能使用Bravo電台的官網,就隨時隨地有愛的故事可聽了。
今天的【In My Life當我想起你…】單元,和大家分享1966年的動物電影【Born Free】,台灣當時的譯名是【獅子與我】,這部電影是根據英國博物學家Joy Adamson 的著作《生而自由:野生母獅愛爾莎傳奇(Born Free)》拍攝的,因為讓演員與野生獅子(非馬戲團動物)直接對戲,在推出當年轟動一時。節目最後的隔空歌唱,就選擇【Born Free】(生而自由),這首由Matt Monro演唱,電影【獅子與我】的主題歌曲。以下附歌詞,我們一起來唱歌紓壓3分鐘。
【Born Free】
Born free
As free as the wind blows
As free as the grass grows
Born free to follow your heart
Live free
And beauty surrounds you
The world still astounds you
Each time you look at a star
Stay free
Where no walls divide you
You're free as a roaring tide so there's no need to hide
Born free
And life is worth living
But only worth living
'Cause you're born free
Stay free
Where no walls divide you
You're free as a roaring tide so there's no need to hide
Born free
And life is worth living
But only worth living
'Cause you're born free