
主持人:詹怡嘉 播出時段:星期一 20:00-21:00


7月8日。大家都愛喝咖啡吧?今晚8點歡迎收聽Bravo FM 91.3【愛的故事】,為大家邀請到的特別來賓是【台灣連鎖咖啡業教父】 #徐光宇 !

這位傳奇的經理人是【 #台灣統一星巴克 】的創立經理,從40歲那年起,他等於在統一集團內部創業,把星巴克這個品牌在台灣從無到有,從開第一家門市到擴展為400多家,一路擔任總經理20年。當中面對的那些風浪和挑戰,他都在信仰的交託當中安然經過。今天的訪談,徐總經理不僅回憶過往、分享人生,也介紹他年輕到大喜歡聆聽的音樂,相當精彩。錯過今晚,可以在7/14 (日)下午2-3點Bravo FM91.3頻道,收聽本集節目的重播。而7/14週日晚間8-9點,也期待台中的朋友們收聽台中古典愛樂電台FM97.7,由我製作主持的【愛的故事】—專訪【台灣連鎖咖啡業教父】徐光宇。當然,如果能使用Bravo電台的官網,就隨時隨地有愛的故事可聽了。

今日【隔空歡唱】的時間,我們合唱1981年John Denver創寫,並邀請世界級男高音Plácido Domingo合唱的單曲:【Perhaps Love】 (愛也許是)。以下附歌詞,我們一起來唱歌抒壓3分鐘。

【Perhaps Love】
Perhaps love is like a resting place
A shelter from the storm
It exists to give you comfort
It is there to keep you warm
And in those times of trouble
When you are most alone
The memory of love will bring you home
Perhaps love is like a window
Perhaps an open door
It invites you to come closer
It wants to show you more
And even if you lose yourself
And don't know what to do
The memory of love will see you through
Oh, love to some is like a cloud
To some as strong as steel
For some a way of living
For some a way to feel
And some say love is holding on
And some say letting go
And some say love is everything
And some say they don't know
Perhaps love is like the ocean
Full of conflict, full of change
Like a fire when it's cold outside
Thunder when it rains
If I should live forever
And all my dreams come true
My memories of love will be of you
And some say love is holding on
And some say letting go
And some say love is everything
And some say they don't know
Perhaps love is like the mountain
Full of conflict, full of change
Like a fire when it's cold outside
Thunder when it rains
If I should live forever
And all my dreams come true
My memories of love will be of you