
主持人:詹怡嘉 播出時段:星期一 20:00-21:00


今晚8點歡迎收聽Bravo FM91.3的【愛的故事】,錯過節目可以在3/12週日下午2-3點,收聽Bravo FM91.3頻道本集節目的重播。而3/12晚上8-9點,也期待台中朋友們收聽台中古典愛樂電台FM97.7由我製作主持的【愛的故事】。當然,如果能使用Bravo電台的官網,就隨時隨地有愛的故事可聽了。
今天播出的人物單元,為大家整理英國流行搖滾歌手Elton John (艾爾頓·強) 的人生故事以及他重要的創作單曲。現年75歲的Elton John 被Billboard 雜誌根據1958-2021的統計資料,評選為史上最成功藝人榜的第三名,僅次於The Beatles 和Madonna 。【In My Life當我想起你…】單元以2019年上映的傳記電影Rockrtman (火箭人) 為主軸,討論Elton John的勇敢、脆弱,以及他渴望被愛的那種孤寂心情。最後隔空歡唱的時間,邀請大家一起合唱Elton John 1970年的成名單曲【Your Song】(你的歌)。以下附歌詞,我們一起合唱這首歌曲紓壓3分鐘。
【Your Song】
It's a little bit funny this feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide
I don't have much money but boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both could live
If I was a sculptor, but then again, no
Or a man who makes potions in a travelling show
I know it's not much but it's the best I can do
My gift is my song and this one's for you
And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world
I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss
Well a few of the verses well they've got me quite cross
But the sun's been quite kind while I wrote this song
It's for people like you that keep it turned on
So excuse me forgetting but these things I do
You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue
Anyway the thing is what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen
And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world