
主持人:詹怡嘉 播出時段:星期一 20:00-21:00


3月13日。感覺徬徨、對人生有疑惑是難免,但那時間,縮得愈短愈好。今天【愛的故事】邀請宗教哲學博士 #李信毅 牧師受訪, 他是 #中原大學 校牧 ,也在學校教授人生哲學以及宗教哲學課,這些可是人生必修課阿,有誰不曾在生命中某一時刻進入哲學思考,尋求人生意義某種程度上的解答呢?這個世界需要有像信毅牧師這樣的人給予陪伴和指引。
歡迎收聽今晚8點Bravo FM91.3的【愛的故事】—李信毅博士專訪,錯過節目可以在3/19週日下午2-3點,收聽Bravo FM91.3本集節目的重播。而3/19晚上8-9點,也期待台中朋友們收聽台中古典愛樂電台FM97.7由我製作主持的【愛的故事】—專訪宗教哲學博士 李信毅牧師。當然,如果能使用Bravo電台的官網,就隨時隨地有愛的故事可聽了。
訪問接近尾聲,我請牧師就像平時勉勵學生一樣,也給我們一些勉勵和祝福,結果牧師的一番話…,讓我的眼睛瞬間濕潤,在做後製剪輯的過程也是,這段話竟然一再讓我紅了眼睛…嘖嘖,想不到我還很愛哭。隔空歡唱的時間,信毅牧師邀請大家一起合唱福音歌手Amy Grant的歌曲【Father’s Eyes】(爸爸的眼睛)。以下附歌詞,我們一起合唱。
【Father’s Eyes】
I may not be every mother's dream for her little girl
And my face may not grace the mind of everyone in the world
But that's all right, as long as I can have one wish I pray
When people look inside my life,
I want to hear them say:
She's got her Father's Eyes
Her Father's Eyes
Eyes that find the good in things
When good is not around
Eyes that find the source of help
When help just can't be found
Eyes full of compassion
Seeing every pain
Knowing what you're going through
And feeling it the same
Just like my Father's Eyes
My Father's Eyes
My Father's Eyes
Just like my Father's Eyes
And on that day when we shall pay
For all the deeds we have done
Good and bad they'll all be had
To see by everyone
And when you're called to stand and tell
Just what you saw in me
More than anything I know
I want your words to be:
She had her Father's Eyes
Her Father's Eyes
Eyes that found the good in things
When good was not around
Eyes that found the source of help
When help just can’t be found
Eyes full of compassion
Seeing every pain
Knowing what you're going through
And feeling it the same
Just like my Father's Eyes
My Father's Eyes
My Father's Eyes
Just like my Father's Eyes
My Father's Eyes
My Father's Eyes
Just like my Father's Eyes