★《Wayne Shorter 音樂特輯》-Vol.2
★《爵士語錄》“I believe in things that are developed through hard work….especially through introspection and a lot of dedication.”—Bill Evans
本週的「爵士無所不在」繼續向薩克斯風手Wayne Shorter致敬。Wayne Shorter在今年的3月2號以89歲的高齡辭世。他所留下的音樂作品是上世紀中以來最重要的爵士經典。他所參加過的樂團,如Art Blakey & Jazz Messengers,Miles Davis Quintet, Weather Report到近年的Wyane Shorter Quartet 在爵士歷史上都具有重要的代表性。
在這一系列的節目我們也將分享台灣的抽象畫先驅-陳政雄老師的畫語錄,希望再帶來Wayne Shorter的音樂同時也能帶給大家大師的藝術思維。今晚8點歡迎大家收聽這個系列的第二集!
1. I Hear A Rhapsody/Art Blakey & Jazz Messenger-Art Blakey & Jazz Messengers
2. Circus/Art Blakey & Jazz Messengers-Art Blakey & Jazz Messengers
3. You Don’t Know Waht Love Is/Art Blakey & Jazz Messengers-Art Blakey & Jazz Messengers
4. Ping Pong/Art Blakey & Jazz Messengers -Roost And Herbs
5. United/Art Blakey & Jazz Messengers -Roost And Herbs
6. El Toro/Art Blakey-The Freedom Rider
7. Three Blind Mice/Art Blakey-Three Blind Mice Vol.1
8. Blue Moon/Art Blakey-Three Blind Mice Vol.1
9. That IOd Feeling /Art Blakey-Three Blind Mice Vol.1